Average Maturity Level
Average Maturity Score
1.89 / 4.00
Least Developed Innovation Ecosystem Pillar
Average Maturity Level
Average Maturity Score
1.83 / 4.00
Main Blocker
It seems that companies in this industry don’t perceive innovation as key for their in-market success and growth.
Second Blocker
It seems that companies in this industry don’t necessarily have an ethos towards innovation and don’t want to take actions to be perceived as being innovative. The result is many tend to sidetrack innovation investments.
Third Blocker
It seems that companies in this industry rarely use benchmarking in their innovation strategy efforts. Learning from, comparing to and collaborating with others is not the norm in this industry when it comes to developing innovation strategies.
Average Maturity Level
Average Maturity Score
2.06 / 4.00
Main Blocker
At almost every level of leadership it seems there is a very small commitment displayed toward innovation.
Second Blocker
The senior leadership of the companies in this industry apparently tend to focus primarily on short-term and more predictable objectives rather than long-term and high uncertainty ones.
Third Blocker
The emphasis of the senior leadership seems to be on the core/day-to-day business with long-term investments in innovation given a secondary priority.
Average Maturity Level
Average Maturity Score
2.03 / 4.00
Main Blocker
It seems that managers in this industry need to be offered more in-depth training on how to evaluate innovation ideas and acquire the mindset of venture capital investors.
Second Blocker
The skills and competencies required by employees for innovation are apparently not developed by companies in this industry.
Third Blocker
The innovation strategy is apparently not translated into a clear objectives or initiatives.
Average Maturity Level
Average Maturity Score
1.93 / 4.00
Main Blocker
It seems that most employees of companies in this industry are not willing to change because they are not incentivised to change or look for innovative ways of doing things.
Second Blocker
Apparently, there is low cultural democracy when it comes to innovation in companies across the industry. The culture is typically engineering not creative-based and top-down with decisions being taken based on seniority and hierarchical power.
Third Blocker
It seems that in companies in this industry only a handful of employees are given the opportunity to take their own ideas forward and further their careers. Innovation is not a democratized activity.
Average Maturity Level
Average Maturity Score
1.75 / 4.00
Main Blocker
Translating the innovation strategy into individual obtainable goals is apparently seen as a major challenge for companies in this industry.
Second Blocker
Resource allocation for innovation is seems to be an issue for companies in this industry - incremental improvements of the core offerings are typically prioritised over new growth (beyond the core) initiatives.
Third Blocker
It seaman that companies in this industry don’t have in place the right process and structures for innovation.